Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Every day I'm consistently reminded in school of the standards I'm supposed to live by due to my asian ethnicity. I'm expected to get high grades and take prep class and excel in math. People always ask me how I got that low on a test,hw and quiz. I'm expected to get a high grade which I can't do sometimes. Although I'm no longer affected by this because I choose to ignore it but I would still qualify this as  micro-agression.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Good Book Cover

This books cover was somewhat successful in capturing the books main idea. The book is about a man sent on a journey involving greek gods and other mystical beings. The cover incorporates the style of greek paintings giving the idea that its gonna be about some greek mythology.
I like how from up close it looks just like dots of different colors but from a distance it looks like a skull showing the bigger picture. I like the repetition of the similar shapes to make a giant picture which was very creative. The dark background and skull sets a very dark and scary tone about the book which probably involves death.
I like how this one relates to my era and generation because our generation uses text as our main form of communication. This typography is a combination of text like boxes. The background is very plain. I just thought that this one was very relatable because of how our society is caught up in technology which seemed relavent.
I like the cover incorporates an image in the title which was very unique because the image is commonly associated with a word which is part of the title. The Crow's Vow.
This cover was funny because the image looks like a stereotype of a typical "white guy" banker like the title makes it seem like. I also like the comic styled drawing for the cover. The type also varies with the words white guy to emphasize them which makes the reader think more about the stereotype.
I like how simple this cover looks white a picture of just a water droplet on a red wall. I think the cover is symbolic and makes me think that the droplet is a tear and since the background is red it makes me think of death so i think the book is about someone being effected negatively by someones death. The all have solid background colors and an image in the front. The type for the title is very small and at the bottom drawing more attention to the drawing.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Mid WInter Recess

During mid winter recess I spent time with family and friends. I basically stayed home and caught up on sleep and watched a bunch of Netflix and movies online. I also played some League of Legends. I recommend everyone play it, its pretty fun. Other than that my break was pretty good. Me and my friends hung out and ate at a sushi place in Brooklyn called "Sake" which was tasty. I liked eating the avocado rolls but not so much the raw salmon ones.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Poster Project

                             Before                                                                     After

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Looking at Art in NYC

I visited the MOMA and this was kinda cool and caught my attention. The author probably created this art by creating a template and then painted it over repeatedly. The artwork was on the photography floor. It was around other pieces if random art. For example, a wall that says kill repeatedly, 9 tvs, and a wall of private parts. The reason why thi piece drew my attention was because of the bright colors and repetition. This reminded me Marilyn Monroe. I know nothing about the artist and other works he did.  

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Logo Reflection

The most challenging thing for creating my logo design was deciding where to place the text "Film Club." I didn't know whether I should put it on the projector or on the bottom or the to. I finally decided to make it projected from the projector because it makes sense and can also be incorporated into an action of the words coming out. Also another challenge I had was adding more color to my orignal logo because it was just black and white. I solved this by adding three bars that represents the vents in a projector and gave the text color as well. I made the colors red, blue and yellow because they are the three primary colors which make up all colors.
I think the most successful part of my project is the image part of the logo because it looks like a projector which represents how the club records their own film.