Thursday, October 2, 2014

Letter Project Reflection

1) Describe your process when creating your letter project. How was the process helpful or not so helpful to you? 

I thought the process was fine because it let me see all the different paths I can choose for completing the project. At first the thing we did in class with the branching of ideas was a bit confusing because I wasn't sure what I could do, but then after I started, I could just keep building off my own ideas.

2) How did you arrive with your concept/idea for your letter? How did you represent this concept visually in your design? (Give 2 examples) 

After doing the branching off ideas thing we started off the project with, i noticed that I didn't connect it with anything I liked so then I thought to myself. GUNS. I like guns from violent video games. I also thought that it would show that I'm dangerous,and that "I AM THE DANGER"(Breaking Bad Reference) even though I'm really not. For example, I showed the danger by drawing two guns because 1 gun is pretty dangerous, but 2 guns are way more dangerous. I also wanted to show my serious side even though most people think of me as funny. For example, I showed my seriousness by drawing it in black and white, since black and white makes things always seem a little more serious. I also did two revolvers because their very classic and have a nice shape that form a "T" shape when standing next to each other which help show my letter visually.

3) What was the most challenging aspect of this project for you? Why?

The most challenging part of this project was deciding on my concept because the project was very open ended and we were only limited by our creativity. Also because I wasn't so sure on a particular letter since there were so many to choose from, but I eventually chose my initial.

4) Are you satisfied with your project?   Explain your answer.

I am satisfied with most aspects of my project because of all the time and detail I put into it. I also like how the shading turned out on the barrel of the guns because I tried to get the reflection of the light on the top part of it and I think i did it. 

5) If you can change anything about your design, what would you change or do differently?

I feel like if i used some color, it would've made my project more vibrant from a distance since graphite seems very light from far. I thought of making a pool of blood around the gun in dark red color pencil, but i ran out of time and I think that it might have distracted the viewers eye from the actual letter being formed.
Drafting proccess
Final piece


  1. Yesss! AP art buddies! Your design is really, really interesting to see since I actually never thought of creating the letter in two separate pieces like you did. I'm glad you added the bullets because they actually enhance your concept rather than distract it. Nice shading btw (y)

  2. Oh my gosh great job Tenzin!!!! I really like your letter its a really good idea. I also think you did a really good job drawing the guns.

  3. amazing construction, and by far the most detailed artwork so far! Beautifully designed.

  4. Your design is so detailed! I like how you shaded the guns, and it's interesting how your letter is made up of two separate parts. You could also design the letter L, too!

  5. You're very talented with your shading. Your shading is what made the guns look real and three dimensional. You started with a very clear outline and made it into a piece of art!

  6. I really like your design and I think that it really expresses your concept of danger. You did a very good job with the details and shading. :D

  7. I sense a hipster in here! Compare to your first draft the final one has amazing detailed shading the guns in a mysterious way. But may I ask what letter does your drawing represent?

  8. I thought it was really creative of you to put two objects together to make the letter, but maybe you could include more shades of grey to make it even more detailed

  9. Good job u did well with shading for the lettter to show drama

  10. Very realistic, the shading really made the drawing and the stray bullets on the picture around the guns really was a good touch

  11. the shading is awesome! although it is only in black and white, but it is really realistic! really cool design!

  12. I think your concept is awesome! I would have never seen you as a dangerous person.

  13. I think your concept is so interesting!! It is aesthetically pleasing as well :) If you had more time to think through which letter you were going to choose, would you stick with T or change it up? Why?

  14. I like how detailed and realistic you made your design because it really catches my eye.

  15. The realism is really great and the symmetry is also on point. But I do agree that it would be cool if you experimented with different colors to contrast realistic form with unrealistic coloring.
